Excerpts from Speedway Digest, “Revved up with Waldorf-Paul Sturm, Author of…
Author Interview
Question: What would you say was your inspiration for writing your books?
Answer: The inspiration for writing my books was the exciting and gratifying moments I had growing up. I thoroughly enjoyed my youth which was highlighted by marvelous adventures and enhanced by the wonderful people I came to know. Those experiences form the basis for the stories in my books. With my rather offbeat, comical writing style, I hope to bring a smile, if not a laugh, to those who read my books.
Question: Do you have a relative that is also an author?
Answer: Yes, my brother-in-law, Neil Bockoven, is a wonderful writer of the book, Moctu and the Mammoth People, a terrific historical fiction book. Neil is always a marvelous inspiration to me.
Question: Do you see yourself writing more books in the future and can you tell us a little about your published books?
Answer: Yes, in addition to my 3 published books, Golfing Adventures with Frankie, the Witty Caddie, My Favorite Girlfriend, and More Golfing Adventures with Frankie, the Witty Caddie, I am currently writing a new book, The End, another fun-loving, amusing story about unusual friendships, and romantic relationships with a twist, and more.
My golfing adventure books with Frankie, the witty caddie, derive from my own zany caddying adventures, including my entertaining, highspirited, and humorous comments to the golfers. This created delightful and lighthearted moments for famous golfers such as Jackie Robinson, the famous baseball player, Don Adams, the actor, and many successful businessmen from New York and New Jersey. My two golfing books are fun-loving, fictional books, with some instruction on the game of golf, and for all readers over 5 years of age.
My Favorite Girlfriend is a nonfiction, coming-of-age memoir, which is part romantic comedy and part sport’s story. It mirrors my youthful attempt to find a girlfriend by impressing the “fairer sex” with my athletic skills, hilarious anecdotes, and imaginative classroom antics while growing up. Unfortunately, I was selling a product, me, that girls did not appreciate at the time, given my funny-looking, scrawny appearance in those days. After many exciting relationships with the opposite sex, some wonderful and some less so, would I ever find the girl of my dreams?
Question: Do you have a website?
Answer: Yes, I do have a website, www.paulsturmauthor.com.
Question: During this pandemic, how do you stay positive? Answer: My wife and I have started walking each day early in the morning for fun, visiting new neighborhoods throughout the Washington, D.C., area and speaking with people we have never met. All of these new walking acquaintances assume we are new neighbors, such that they seem to feel obligated to welcome us to their community with open arms, though keeping 6 feet apart. We should have considered this approach long ago, and, perhaps, they would have invited us in for some coffee and a delicious cupcake, too.
Question: Can you provide some quotes that are applicable to your published books? Answer: Yes, I have some good quotes for my books as follows:
Quotes related to Golfing Adventures with Frankie, the Witty Caddie, and More Golfing Adventures with Frankie, the Witty Caddie:
“Golf is a good walk spoiled.” Mark Twain
“Golf has too much walking to be a good game, and just enough game to spoil a good walk.” Harry Leon Wilson
“I guess there is nothing that will get your mind off everything like golf. I have never been depressed enough to take up the game, but they say you get so sore at yourself to forget to hate your enemies.” Will Rogers
“I suspect that if all golfers had the benefit of a talkative, hilarious, and fun-loving caddie such as Frankie, the witty caddie, Mark Twain, Harry Leon Wilson, and Will Rogers may have had a much better view of golf.” Paul Sturm
Quotes related to My Favorite Girlfriend:
“Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.” Mark Twain
“Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.” Will Rogers
“Everything is funny as long as it is happening to someone else.” Will Rogers
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it!” Yogi Berra
“To find the girl of your dreams, the premise of my book, My Favorite Girlfriend, you wish to be irresistibly desired, use good judgment, attempt to absorb the funny circumstances along the way, and when you come to that critical fork in the road, do not hesitate, take it and enjoy everything!” Paul Sturm
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