Paul has a penchant for unattainable women who have it…
Editorial Review of “My Favorite Girlfriend”
My Favorite Girlfriend Paul Sturm
Waldorf Publishing (2020) ISBN97816492174959
Reviewed by Sheri Hoyte for Reader Views (06/2022) 4* A delightful coming of age romantic sports memoir.
“My Favorite Girlfriend” by Paul Sturm is a delightful coming-of-age memoir about a scrawny, wisecracking kid who aspires to become his very best self in order to achieve happiness and success, both in life, and with his favorite girlfriend. The story follows the author from kindergarten through his time at college. A blended coming-of-age, romance, and sports memoir, the story holds wide-level audience appeal, regaling readers with its endearing charm and witty prose. It’s a throw-back to simpler times, a reminder to enjoy every moment of our lives and a message that just might inspire readers to rise above any self-induced limitations and take a chance with that girl, try out for the basketball team, or anything else that might take you outside your comfort zone to realize your dreams.
A little girl named Rosie sets an ominous though adorable tone for Paul’s future relationships during playtime one day in kindergarten, when she sucker-punches the author for complimenting her on her pink-ruffled underwear. Rambunctious young man that he is, Paul returns her endearment with a punch of his own—right to little Rosie’s gut. Not a good start to his experiences with the “fairer” sex. The author will meet many Rosie’s on his quest to find his favorite girlfriend, though the violence dips dramatically from that point, thankfully.
Laced throughout the book are nostalgic musings of the author’s athletic pursuits. Sports enthusiasts will enjoy play-by-play commentary of his achievements in sports during his school years.
One thing that is apparent throughout the book is that Paul Sturm had a great time writing “My Favorite Girlfriend” and he is a wonderful storyteller. His enthusiasm and excitement in the story’s telling were captivating. The entire story is an upbeat, hilarious adventure. Even his less than fruitful endeavors are held in high esteem as irreplaceable events that shaped him into the person he is today. His wit shines through every page, and I was impressed by his vivid recollections of the past. “My Favorite Girlfriend” by Paul Sturm is an adventurous and lively story that all ages will enjoy.
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